We are a visual artists' collective based in Greece, who joined forces to promote our work, along with our vision of excellence in art, conglomerating our vision with our own actions, with an active contribution in and intervention in public space and concept development and implementation into third party organizations. We want to realize our own vision, in the face of mounting challenges such as urbanization, environmental degradation, increasing inequalities, persisting poverty. In this environment there is an urgent need for new approaches, to be defined and measured in a way which accounts for the broader picture of human progress, balance between humans and nature, equity, dignity, well-being and sustainability, and the massive recognition of culture as part of the global and local commons as well as a wellspring for creativity and renewal.
Visit our Blog Ask us and propose us: let us come together joining forces for Art, Culture and the join together of people to foresee a fresh, creative world.
My profile in Greek
My profile in English